Columbus, OH
The in-person workshop will be held from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. ET on October 22, 2024

Benefactor logo tag colorIn partnership with Benefactor Group, we invite you to Columbus, OH to join us in discovering how individual giving can propel your nonprofit to greater success.

In Transforming Your Organization With Individual Giving, participants step through a practical toolkit that offers tangible next steps that can be applied immediately to bring your fundraising operation to the next level. This new workshop is designed specifically for nonprofit organizations looking to shift or further embrace individual giving strategies at their organization.

The live, in-person training experience provides nonprofit organizations with a multi-faceted roadmap for establishing an optimal infrastructure for maximizing the tremendous opportunity that individual giving represents. To maximize the impact of the session, this workshop is designed for multiple participants from each organization to attend together—executive directors, program directors, key executives, and development professionals—to help create a shift in their culture.

Walk away from this dynamic, highly interactive training with a toolkit filled with essential development process concepts that will pave your organization’s way to success in individual giving fundraising. Both the knowledge shared by our accomplished facilitators and the invigorating conversations with your fellow participants will prime you for success in fostering donor-centric fundraising at your organization.