This highly interactive, three-part virtual professional education series (formerly known as Changing Hearts and Changing Minds) explores an innovative model for engaging an organization’s most significant benefactors in co-creating philanthropic opportunities that are transformational for all parties involved. Building on Advancement Resources’ donor-focused approach and based on work implemented by Jim Hodge and Scott Arthur on the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus, this series prepares participants to inspire gifts of significance, invigorate staff, and transform how their organization thinks and works.

Logo Campaign of One AR230913Ideal for development leaders, principal giving professionals, and experienced major giving professionals who aspire to meaningfully engage, inspire, and co-create with benefactors. Participants will leave with a renewed sense of purpose, as well as specific strategies, tactics, processes, and tools for working with benefactors and internal stakeholders to facilitate transformational “Campaigns of One.”

Prerequisites: We recommend 5 or more years of major giving experience and/or participation in The Art and Science of Donor Development workshop prior to attending.


Upcoming Workshops

October 22–24, 2024 | Virtual Offering

Subscribe to our email communication to receive updates on our upcoming offerings.



Principal gift professionals
Major gift professionals
Development leaders
Other development professionals interested in expanding their principal gifts mindset



$1,950 USD per participant (early bird rate available)



Below please fine the session topics you can expect in the Campaigns of One: Inspiring Transformational Philanthropy learning series.

Session topics will include:

Philanthropy as Art Work: 7 Essential Shifts for Success

An overview of the current state of the fundraising profession and how we—as individuals and as organizations—must shift our mindset to inspire meaningful and significant philanthropy from top benefactors and create greater joy in our work.

How to Show Up: Becoming an Intrapreneur

An examination of the power of personal leadership/influence and how we all—regardless of position—can harness our inner intrapreneur to operationalize the shifts, engage internal partners, and inspire bigger thinking. Includes a candid discussion on how fear and commitment to the status quo keep us, and our organizations, from reaching our philanthropic potential—and how to reduce that fear for all key stakeholders.

Candidates for Co-Creation: Finding the Right Benefactors to Take the Journey

A look at key factors that indicate a benefactor might be a suitable choice for embarking on a Campaigns of One, and the questions we can ask to expedite the identification process. Includes an exploration of the mindset of entrepreneurs—some of the best and most generous candidates— including how they think, how they work, and what they expect from you and your organization.

Benefactor Readiness: Taking the First Steps

A discussion about storytelling, stewardship, and the art of questions in building benefactor readiness. Emphasis is on the critical role Master Key Questions play in earning the right to open conversations with benefactors and explore transformational ideas—the first step together in a meaningful Campaigns of One.

The Art of Ideation: Painting a Compelling Picture Together

An introduction to a three-part model for collaborating with organizational leaders/faculty to co-create aspirational philanthropic visions that are inspirational for benefactors and transformational for the organization. Includes examples of proposals from successful campaigns of one and an opportunity to work though the ideation process in real time using ideas and benefactors from participants.

Key Concepts for Co-creation

A look at what happens after the ideation process, including tactics that make it easier for benefactors to say yes. Also, includes real-life examples and an opportunity to discuss any final questions with the facilitators.



CFRE ConEdLogo 2022


This workshop is applicable for continuing education points in the CFRE International application for initial certification and/or recertification.