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What is myAR?

myAR is Advancement Resources’ online learning platform, offering self-directed learning opportunities to drive meaningful philanthropy. Through e-Learning modules, print resources, and videos, participants can learn key concepts, strategies, and tactics that are immediately applicable to drive optimal performance in their work.

How do I access these resources?

Access to myAR is available to organizations that subscribe to myAR, recipients of Coaching Services, and individuals who create an account. Courses and learning plans are available for purchase. Please check the myAR catalog for up-to-date offerings.

What resources are offered?

Resources available on myAR include self-driven courses, printable handouts from the Advancement Resources curriculum, and exclusive instructive videos and readings.

How long does my access last?

Access to courses and learning plans lasts 365 days, unless otherwise noted in your organization’s subscription agreement. Please inquire if you have any questions about the duration of your access, and our team will clarify your subscription details.


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